Our Archives
From Fiction Archive 2013-2021: Static archive of the From Fiction site as it existed between 2013 and 2021, hosted on fromfiction.com. Contains a large amount of Q&A posts and archived tumblr content.
From Fiction Archive 2007-2013: Static archive of the From Fiction site as it existed from its creation in 2007-2013, hosted at otakukin.co.nr. Contains a large number of outdated articles that are nonetheless of historical community interest.
Our Tumblrs
Soulbonder tumblr: Soulbonding focused resources and Q&A blog, no longer updated.
Fromfiction tumblr: Fictionkin focused resource and Q&A blog. Currently updated and open for questions.
External Links
Links to resources and pages maintained by others.
Soul Whispers: An early resource dedicated to exploring soulbonding.
cryptidlibrarians: Personal tumblr of long time community member cryptidlibrarians, which hosts many of their excellent articles and editorials.
Otherworldly Reconstruction: An e-text by cyrptidlybrarians; a workbook for developing a personal system of magic based on your own nonhumanity.
from-fiction.livejournal.com: Site of the original fictionkin/otakukin community.